Eis uma das minhas primeiras princesas. Já algum tempo que está à espera para fazer a sessão fotográfica e ser finalmente apresentada à sociedade.
Esta nova colecção de produtos do Reino é feita ainda com mais carinho... porquê? Porque foi desenhada a pensar em todas as virtudes que devemos ter e partilhar com quem nos rodeia: paciência, sinceridade, preserverança, humildade, modéstia, sensibilidade, enfim... tudo o que nos leva a praticar o bem.
Cada uma representa essencialmente uma virtude mas só tu podes descobrir qual é...
Como diz a minha filhota, estas princesas estão «cheias de nuvens» perfumadas e são, apesar do seu aspecto altivo, a melhor companhia que se pode ter.
São antidepressivas e evitam também as cefaleias de que todos sofremos na REALIDADE :) .
Oferece uma (até a ti próprio) e oferecerás um artigo encantado que te ajudará a ultrapassar as fases mais difíceis da tua vida.
Medem cerca de 38cm de altura.
Here's one of my first handmade princesses. She has been waiting for some time to do the photo shoot and finally be presented to society.
This new collection of products of Reino Já Cheguei is made with even more love ... why? Because this dolls were designed while thinking of all the virtues that we must have and share with those around us: patience, sincerity, perseverance, humbleness, modesty, sensitivity, finally ... everything that leads us to do good.
Each doll has one virtue but only you can figure out which one is it...
As my daughter says, these princesses are "full of clouds", despite its haughty appearance, they are the best company that you can have.
They prevent nervous breakdowns and they also avoid the headaches that we all suffer in reality :).
By offering one (even to your self) you will offer something unique that will help you overcome the difficult stages of your life.
They measure 14,96 inches.
Disponível / Available
Medem cerca de 38cm de altura.
Here's one of my first handmade princesses. She has been waiting for some time to do the photo shoot and finally be presented to society.
This new collection of products of Reino Já Cheguei is made with even more love ... why? Because this dolls were designed while thinking of all the virtues that we must have and share with those around us: patience, sincerity, perseverance, humbleness, modesty, sensitivity, finally ... everything that leads us to do good.
Each doll has one virtue but only you can figure out which one is it...
As my daughter says, these princesses are "full of clouds", despite its haughty appearance, they are the best company that you can have.
They prevent nervous breakdowns and they also avoid the headaches that we all suffer in reality :).
By offering one (even to your self) you will offer something unique that will help you overcome the difficult stages of your life.
They measure 14,96 inches.
Disponível / Available
1 comentário:
Olá! Q trabalho mais lindo! Uma fofura! Amei! Parabéns! Bjnhos!
Tem sorteio lá no blog, aproveite!!
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