O nosso reino é tudo isto, e muito mais...

«Contos de fada são mais do que a verdade. Não porque eles nos dizem que dragões existem, mas porque eles nos dizem que dragões podem ser derrotados.»

~ Neil Gaiman ~

terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2015

Em dezembro o que me espera... a minha leitura do oráculo

A minha Leitura do Oráculo para 2015:
Dharma Workbook 2015, página 37.
Em janeiro deste ano, na leitura que fiz e sobre este mês, a carta que tirei foi Paravati ~ Positive Change.
“Your likes and dislikes have changed, and you have outgrown situations that once appealed to you. These are positive developments signaling your spiritual growth. Some of these situations are blessings in disguise, as they are pushing you to make necessary and positive changes. You may feel pushed beyond your comfort zone as multiple areas of your life shift and flux, yet the universe always stands ready to support you with whatever you ask for. Let go and enjoy this ride, because it truly is for the best.
Additional meanings for this card: Let go of procrastination or perfectionism. Break your major goals into baby steps and take one step at a time. Since Paravati is the goddess of mountains, this could be a message to retreat or move to the mountains. Revamp your schedule so that you devote regular time to your priorities. Be assertive in saying no to anything that diverts you from your path.
Paravati (sometimes spelled Parvati) is the Hindu goddess of mountains, marriage, and households. Legend says that Shiva the Hindu god was grief stricken following the death of his first love, Sati, so he retreated to a mountain cave. When Paravati was born in the mountains, Shiva fell in love with her devotion to helping the planet. They became united in love and had a son, Ganesh. Call upon Paravati for solace and solutions to any seeming problem, especially if you are meditating in the mountains.”

Ascended Masters Oracle Card deck by Doreen Virtue
Dizer não é um dos compromissos mais difíceis que podemos fazer com nós mesmos se estamos sempre a tentar agradar aos outros.
Vamos tentar dizer não de vez em quando pelo menos?
Qual foi a carta que tiraste para dezembro?

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